
2012-08-17 23:42:37 by ManiacTwister

A couple of days ago I already released the first version of r0kman (a pacman clone for the r0ket). This version is basically playable, but the current ghost KI (if any :D) is very limited. r0kman is my first work with C, so its code may be very inefficient. Because of this, the sram is already now completely occupied. A better version, with real KI and high scores (would need the eth0rnet m0dul), is planned actually.

Further information and the l0dable is available on github.


Hello world

2012-08-17 23:31:29 by ManiacTwister

Here we (this is Endres and ManiacTwister) will report about our own developments for and with the r0ket. Additionally this site serves as information point for our m0duls which we have developed already or are developing at the moment.

At the moment we are working mainly on an ethernet m0dul (eth0rnet) and a soundm0dul (with support for mp3, ogg, ...).